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Showing posts from October, 2015

Simple binary search tree in c++

I have wrote a simple c++ program for the implementation of Binary search tree. Credits: MyCodeSchool Code snippet:

Simple Infix to Postfix in C++

Converting an Infix expression to postfix is not a big deal. Even though for a beginner it could be frustrating for hours. Enough breaking your computers. Its time to finish it off!. Infix expression:      The Infix expressions are the expressions which we usually use in mathematical form. Eg: a*(b+d*c) Postfix expression:      These expressions are used by the computer to evaluate the given infix expressions. They simply convert infix expression to postfix using stack data structure. Eg: a b d c * + * Stack data structure is pre-request for this conversion which we will not discuss here. Just google it for more information. I have written a simple program for this conversion process. Almost it is self explanatory. Share if you like this.