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Showing posts from December, 2015

2-Dimensional Array with Dynamic Rows and Columns.

In Programming many times we have to store and work  with the data. But choosing the right way of storing is important. Array is one of the most simple and effective way of storing list of data.Now we have to multiple array of data. Ohh! that sounds easy we can use 2 Dimensional Array. I agree 2 Dimensional array is suitable but I have arrays of variable lengths. So simply creating 2-D Array will not be efficient because I have to specify the column size as the highest of my arrays. So there will be lot of unused space. The good solution can be Dynamic 2D Array with variable columns. Also Array of vectors can also be used. But we are not discussing about STL. Algorithm: Create a ptr to ptr to ptr with the name of your 2D Array to hold the Array of Pointers. Now create an Array of pointers depending on the no of rows and store the base address on the ptr to ptr. For every Row allocate the required memory and store the address in the array of pointers. You own the 2D...

Merge Sort Implementation in C++

For a Programmer sorting is an easy task after writing the code for couple of pages. But there are many other sorting algorithms.  The question which is not being properly answered is which sorting algorithm you should choose.  This is the most frustrating situation where we feel bad about us. The best sorting algorithm depends only on the scenario in which you are intended to use.  Let us speak about the Merge sort. Merge sort uses the divide and conquer approach. Entirely the merge sort is an easy algorithm (Depends on the way you think). You cannot master merge sort until you think what is happening. It has a good worst case performance (0(N logN)). It uses an additional space to accomplish the goal. The implementation is mainly based on the recursion.  You can get real performance benefit when comparing to bubble,selection sort. That's enough for the quick intro. If you would like you know more do a research on yourself. The algorithm goes like th...